Even with a company or business name, your competitors could steal your brand!!

Registering a business name or company name WILL NOT give you exclusive use to the name and DOES NOT stop your competitors from using the same or a similar name in their business.  It also DOES NOT protect you from claims by others that you are infringing their rights to the use of the name.

How do you gain this protection? A TRADE MARK is the most powerful protection for you against unauthorised use of your business name. 

If you register your business or company name as a trade mark in connection with the goods and services that you provide, then you obtain rights against your competitors.  Having a trade mark: 

  • prevents competitors from using an identical or similar trade mark anywhere in Australia in connection with the same goods and services that you provide; and

  • provides you with a defence against allegations from others that you have infringed their rights to use a mark.

In addition to your business name, you can also register your logo, slogan and other identifiers used in your business as a trade mark.

Possessing a trade mark can also add substantial value to your business – any purchaser of your business should attribute value to the existence of a trade mark!

Contact our Intellectual Property Law Team today to register a trade mark or obtain further information on this topic.