Fire Affected Farmers Eligible for Assistance

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (“DAF”) and Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (“QRIDA”) have announced assistance packages for those Primary Producers affected from the recent fires that occurred between 30 November to 6 December in our region.

These Primary Producers may be eligible under the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for Category B financial assistance which includes freight subsidies and concessional loans.

To be eligible for assistance, you must be a “Primary Producer” – ie. a person who spends the majority of their labour (over 50%) on, and derives the majority of their income (over 50%) from a primary production enterprise.

Freight subsidies available for the Grazing Industry:

Eligible Primary Producers in the grazing industry can apply for a freight subsidy of up to $5,000 per property for moving materials such as:

  • emergency fodder for livestock to a disaster declared property;

  • building and/or fencing materials to replace pre-existing buildings and fences or for machinery and equipment to assist with cleaning up or attending to repairs after the disaster event; or

  • removal of stock or re-stocking their property as a result of the disaster.

The guidelines and forms for these freight subsidies (which provide up to a 50% subsidy for eligible farmers) can be located on DAF’s website.

Please download and read the guidelines carefully which outline the criteria and timelines for this subsidy.

Please contact DAF on 13 25 23 if you require more information.

Natural Disaster Loans

Eligible Primary Producers and Small Business Owners can apply for a natural disaster loan of up to $250,000 at a concessional rate through QRIDA.

Visit to find further details or contact QRIDA on 1800 623 946.

Essential Working Capital Loans

Primary Producers and Small Business Owners who have suffered a significant loss of income as a result of the Central Queensland Bushfires from 30 November - 6 December 2018 may be eligible for low interest loans up to $100,000 through QRIDA to help them continue with normal operation of their primary production enterprise.

Visit to find further details or contact QRIDA on 1800 623 946.

Rent Payment Deferrals For Leasehold Land-holders

Leasehold landholders (including those holding a road licence or an occupation licence) may be eligible to apply to have their next leasehold rental payment deferred if you are suffering from the effects of drought, flood, fire, disaster, economic recession or a severe downturn in the markets related to the purpose of the lease.

Find out more or download the application forms at:

Other Assistance Available

In addition to the above, there is also a range of other financial assistance available including:

  1. Housing help after a disaster (visit: – if you need assistance with home loan repayments whilst dealing with the costs of a disaster or for those over 60 years, assistance for minor repairs and maintenance for your home. *Eligibility criteria apply.

  2. Community recovery grants – if your home is in an area where a disaster has occurred and you need help to meet your immediate essential needs for food, clothing, medicines or temporary accommodation or replacing uninsured essential contents (whitegoods or beds), or assistance with home repairs or reconnection with essential services (water, electricity, gas, etc). *Eligibility criteria apply.

  3. Structural assistance grants (visit: – if you are uninsured or unable to claim insurance for damage caused to your home from a disaster, you can apply for a grant up to $10,995.00 for an individual or $14,685.00 per couple/family to make your home secure and safe. *Eligibility criteria apply.

For more information, please contact Misty Di-Filippo, Associate and head of our Rural Law team.

*The subsidies, loans and other assistance packages that are mentioned above are current as at December, 2018 and may be subject to change, variation or be cancelled at any time in the future. Please check the DAF and QRIDA websites to see if these assistance packages are still available.