Newsflash: Rise in pay rates

On Friday last week the Fair Work Commission (FWC) granted award covered workers a 3.5% increase.

The FWC lifted the national minimum wage by $24.30 a week or 64 cents an hour to take effect from the 1st July, 2018.

The flow on effect to Awards is a 3.5% increase.

For example, the weekly pay rate will increase by $28.30 a week to $837.60 for level C10 under the manufacturing award.

The rise of 3.5% is more than last year’s rise of 3.3% and less than the 7.2% increase sought by the ACTU.

If you are in the process of negotiating an enterprise agreement you may need to revisit the agreement rates to be sure that this increase will not affect the BOOT for the Enterprise Agreement.

If you are unsure how the pay rises may affect your business, contact our experienced employment lawyers.