PIMS Group – Positioning for Success

Four men. One vision. To be the leading diversified mining service provider and viewed as the employer of choice in the sector.

PIMS Group is a proud, locally owned Mackay company taking on the big names in the highly competitive mining services space.

Manager Director of PIMS Group Richard Mills, said that after nine years of continual growth, PIMS Group are now gearing up to commence a new multi-million, four year contract at Rio Tinto’s Kestrel Mine near Emerald.

“We’ve just won a highly competitive tender process to secure the Kestrel contract, as well as purchasing three new ‘very expensive machines’.”

The ‘machines’ Richard’s referring to are actually three continuous miners from a NSW mine and is part of an overall larger strategy by PIMS to enhance their capability, and position them for bigger contracts into the future.

PIMS Group Commercial Manager Corey Clifford said the investment was a big decision for the company.

“It was a bold, but visionary move. Should the company wait until we get the work before acquiring the miners? Or buy the miners and hope the work comes?”

“It is definitely a chicken and egg scenario,” said Corey.

The PIMS directors like to take a glass half full approach, and have confidence in their business and the industry and according to Richard there was little doubt as to the next steps.

“At the moment, available miners are scarce, and there is an identified need in the Bowen Basin market. This acquisition will add to our hire fleet and improves our ability to win contracts and service tier one clients.

“The decision to buy the miners was the easy bit though. The negotiation, drafting of contracts and settling the deal was time pressured, and our lawyer, Suzanne Brown of McKays, had to work around the clock with us to get it over the line.

“Corey’s wife started asking him questions about why this Suzanne Brown woman was calling him at all hours of the night. So it was definitely high pressure!” said Richard.

With the purchase of the miners now bedded down, what is the biggest challenge facing PIMS?

Commercial Manager Corey says, “We’ve got the work; we’ve got the equipment and capability; we just need more people!”

Which is welcome news in an industry that has been doing it tough over the past few years.

In addition to the Kestrel Mine contract, PIMS Group also has large engagements in place at Oaky Creek and with North Goonyella Coal Mine.

However, according to Richard there is no time to rest on their laurels.

“For us, we’re at a point where we need to consider if we keep growing organically as we have done so far, or do we look at mechanisms such as diversification or acquisitions to keep growing the business?

“In any case, we are anticipating growth opportunities in 2018/2019 and the Company’s strategy will not be slowing down anytime soon!”