Rise in pay rates announced

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has granted a 2.5% wages increase to minimum pay and award wage workers from 1 July 2021.

The FWC has lifted the national minimum wage by $18.80 to $772.60 per week (or $20.33 an hour) for a full time employee.

The flow on effect to Awards is a 2.5% increase.

Similar to last year, the start date of the rise is staggered for some industries because of impacts of COVID-19 on the economy. The retail industry will have their increases delayed until 1 September 2021; industries such as aviation, arts, recreation, fitness, hair and beauty services until 1 November 2021. All other industries are to receive their increase from 1 July.

The rise of 2.5% is more than last year’s rise of only 1.75% but is still below the typical 3-3.5% increase in previous years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you are unsure how the pay rises may affect your business, contact our experienced employment lawyers.