Closing the Loopholes Bill Introduced to Parliament

The Albanese Labor Government introduced the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023 (the “Bill”) to Parliament yesterday afternoon (4 September, 2023).  The Bill is the “third tranche” of major changes to core aspects of our workplace relations system which will impact most sectors of the economy.

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EmploymentGuest User
Leasehold land – What can/ can’t I do with it?

Last article, we discussed what the difference between freehold and leasehold property was.

This issue, we will explore leasehold property further to get a better understanding of it.

For those that hold or lease Leasehold Land (or aspire to), there are general provisions which they need to adhere to, otherwise they risk losing the right to hold or lease the Leasehold Land, which may make up an important part of their farming operations.

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Guest User
Be wary of the emoji! 🤔

As communication methods change, it is crucial to recognise that any form of communication (even a simple emoji) can potentially establish a binding contract. It is important to be mindful of this fact and be cautious when engaging in any form of written communication.

Whether it is a casual email or a brief text message, it is important to understand that these modern modes of communication hold legal significance and can carry legal implications and consequences.

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Managing psychosocial hazards at work – What do employers need to do?

Queensland has a new Work Health and Safety Code of Practice, “Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work” (“Code”) which provides practical guidance to persons conducting a business or undertaking (“PCBUs”) on how psychosocial hazards and risks can be managed or controlled. The Code can be used to help determine what is reasonably practicable to reduce psychosocial risk.

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Meghan De Pinto-Smith joins the McKays Employment Law and IR Team

McKays Solicitors is so excited to welcome, Senior Associate, Meghan De Pinto-Smith to the McKays’ Industrial Relations and Employment Law team.

Meghan has worked exclusively in industrial relations and employment law at a high level for a specialist boutique Brisbane firm for the last 6 years – but has come home to settle in Mackay to be closer to family.

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Beware of New Dangers with Trust Distributions from recent Victorian Case

As you may be aware, a recent court decision in Victoria towards the end of last year has caused concern in the legal world over distributions from discretionary trusts.  

Usually we are instructed to set up discretionary trusts for the benefit of a particular client, with the client as trustee and the client and his/her broader family and related entities as beneficiaries.

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